Ryan Phillippe has "gotten to a really great place" with his ex-wife Reese Witherspoon -- so great, in fact, that they recently had a terrific throwback conversation.
Phillippe told HuffPost Live's Ricky Camilleri on Monday about a fun family moment he had with his former spouse and their children -- Ava, 15, and Deacon, 10 -- when Witherspoon was in New York City promoting "Gone Girl" and "Wild."
"We got to meet up as a family and took a walk through Central Park with the kids, and it was funny -- we were reminiscing then because we shot a lot of 'Cruel Intentions' [there], so there we were with Ava and Deacon talking, and they were tripping out on the fact that we were there shooting a movie before they were even a thought in our minds," Phillippe said.

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