Recently, we frequently hear these two phrases: Kate Upton and the Fappening. Furthermore, if you are update with the Hollywood celebrities’ news, then you’ll know what the relationship between the famous Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue model and the event called ‘the Fappening’.
What we frequently heard about ‘the Fappening’ thing, it is actually refers to the event of which around 200 celebrities’ private photos (and very personal video, allegedly) was posted and become public consumption in 4chan website. Unfortunately, photos broken out at the event taken place on 31st of August 2014 did not only just ordinary personal or private photos (and video). The celebrities who become the victims of the Fappening are mostly females, such as Kate Upton, and the photos majorly contained nudity in them.
For this reason, Kate Upton’s lawyer had taken legal action to whomever responsible for the Fappening that had been very disadvantageous for his supermodel client.
It was really an unfortunate moment for the 22-year-old model and actress Kate Upton that she became one of the victims of the Fappening. The Guardian Liberty Voice reported that Upton’s attorney Lawrence Shire had firmly stated that he, on behalf of ‘The Other Woman’ actress, would take legal action for those who responsible for the Fappening and anyone who posted his client’s leaked photos.
This serious threat by attorney Shire is understandable since Upton’s leaked photos contained her nude and almost images and her naked photos with Detroit Tiger’s pitcher boyfriend Justin Verlander which became a couple leaked photo of the Fappening hit instantly.
However, just a month before the Fappening happening, Kate Upton stated that she would not pose fully naked for any reasons because she respected photos and the models’ body as an art. Yet, it seems that the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue model did do the nude photo for private consumption only.
Deadspin.com reported that using the Exif data from some of the leaked Upton’s photo, it revealed that apparently it was Kate Upton’s pitcher boyfriend’s account which seemed to be hacked rather than Upton’s.
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