Ellen DeGeneres Reported Considering Divorce After Baby Shocker – is Portia De Rossi Pregnant?

Ellen Degeneres and Rossi De Rossi Divorce 300x210 Ellen DeGeneres Divorce Rumor! Are Ellen and Portia divorced?
After the news, Covergirl drops Ellen DeGeneres. Now Ellen and Portia are rumors getting divorce and even ridiculously, Rossi de Portia is reported pregnant!
When the couple agreed to get married, they have made an agreement to not have any child together as Ellen said that being a parent is a big commitment and she is still not ready for it, and was also approved by Portia, but has Rossi suddenly changed her mind?
Some web gossip said Portia wanted a children badly and this makes Ellen shocked by her statement, although previously they had agreed not to have children. 
Even as quoted from Celebrity Dirty Laundry assume that she’s already expecting without Ellen’s awareness. They also said the couple had split and the possibility of their separation is very big.
It would be quite costly if Ellen DeGeneres really divorce with Portia. From the reports we learned that the couple has more than $ 200 Million in a shared asset and they will end up to be divvied up at court.