If you do not know Ched Evans and his rape conviction, victimized a 19-year-old girl, here is a brief story about it. Ched Evans, born as Chedwyn Michael Evans, is the former striker of Sheffield United who was forced to leave his football career after being involved in a rape case in 2012. Evans was sentenced 5 years in jail for the rape conviction he did to the 19-year-old girl in a hotel of Rhyl after she said that she was not in the condition to have a sex and did not remember what she did and where she was. Evans’ victim who should be 22 years old now was ‘extremely drunk’ after having two large glasses of wine, four double vodkas, and a Sambuca, as reported by Daily Mail UK.
Ched Evans has gone through half of his 5-year jail punishment, while his rape victim had been ‘relocated’ after being named in the social media.
Sheffield United former striker Ched Evans had been set free on 19th of October 2014, yet his rape victim could not feel as free as the 25-year-old Wales man. While Evans could drive his girlfriend Natasha Massey in Cheshire neighborhood, his rape victim should be moved from her home in north of Wales. The police did this act after the now-22-year-old Evans’ victim was illegally named in social media back in 2012 after Evans got his sentence, according to Daily Mail UK.
In November 2012, Mirror UK reported that nine people had been fined £624 for each after naming Ched Evans’ rape victim in Twitter and Facebook. Furthermore, Daily Mail UK mentioned that the victim was named 6,000 times in the social media. In order to protect the rape victim woman, police decided to relocate her far away from her family and friends in the north of Wales and also gave her new identity.